Duzzit Dishwasher Cleaner 1 Sachet

Duzzit Dishwasher Cleaner 1 Sachet

Pound Wholesale

Availability: 9 in stock

Duzzit dishwasher cleaner is an easy to use product that prevents the build up of detergent and food residues that can result in unwanted odours and can lead to dishwashers not washing properly and smells.

Easy to use dishwasher sachet.

Directions For Use:

Remove large food deposits.

Load the dishwasher machine.

Fill the dosing compartment with powder.

Pour the remaining powder onto the bottom of the dishwasher.

Select the standard washing cycle and press start.

Do not fill with dishes and do not use any other detergents.

Once finished use the dishwasher as usual for heavy users use monthly.